CloudM: A fresh look with a revamped dynamic WordPress website

We delivered a WordPress website for CloudM, breathing new life into their brand identity while elevating the user experience.

The challenge

CloudM approached us to redefine its digital presence to align with its evolution into a dynamic Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company. The goal was to elevate its brand identity and deliver a superior user experience on its website, meeting the needs of their global clientele.delivered a fresh new design, a highly customisable interface, e-commerce functionality, integrations with Salesforce and licensing software, and a mobile-first approach.

What we delivered

We initiated a comprehensive project to revitalise CloudM's online identity. Our objective was to deliver a dynamic, user-centric website that would reflect CloudM's transformation and dedication to excellence in data management solutions.

How did we do it?

Comprehensive brand refresh.

With close collaboration with the CloudM team we developed a set of brand guidelines that injected new life into CloudM’s identity. This involved redefining the visual language and messaging, effectively communicating CloudM’s evolution.

Vibrant WordPress website.

We seamlessly translated the newly formulated brand guidelines into an engaging WordPress website. The website was crafted with innovation and creativity in mind, placing a strong emphasis on user-centric development to enhance the overall user experience.

Collaborative partnership.

The success of this project can be credited to the open and collaborative partnership between the CloudM and Fat Media teams. CloudM’s receptiveness to fresh concepts provided seamless implementation of innovative strategies.