Autocue®: Prompting Takes Centre Stage with a Seamless Website Migration to WordPress 

Autocue® partnered with FM to migrate their website from Umbraco to WordPress.

The main focus and goal was to enhance their online presence and user experience. By leveraging our expertise in website development and optimisation, we successfully delivered a fresh new design, a highly customisable interface, e-commerce functionality, integrations with Salesforce and licensing software, and a mobile-first approach.

What we delivered

  • Migration from Umbraco to WordPress.
  • Modern design aligned with new branding.
  • Highly customisable component-based interface. 
  • WooCommerce integration.
  • Salesforce and licensing software integration.
  • Mobile-first approach & optimisation.

The Challenge

Our main challenge was to seamlessly migrate Autocue®’s website from Umbraco to WordPress without disrupting their online presence or user experience. We aimed to deliver a fresh design, robust functionality, and streamlined processes while ensuring a smooth transition for Autocue® and its customers. 

WooCommerce integration

Simplifying the shopping experience across all devices.

Simplified Interface

Taking a more simplified approach to helping user achieve their goal .

Available Globally

Enhancing the already established brand guidelines.

Multiple integrations

Making sure data is captured in the right way for the right departments

Design enhancments
Conversion rate adjustments
Mobile First
Component based design
WooCommerce Integration
Pragmatic Signposting

Enhanced user experience: We implemented intuitive navigation, user-friendly interfaces, and engaging visuals. 

Used responsive design principles to ensure a seamless experience across all devices  leveraging the power of WordPress  functionality and improve user engagement. 

With our extensive knowledge of WooCommerce, we were able to provide a seamless e-commerce experience, allowing customers to browse and purchase Autocue®’s prompting solutions easily.

The integration of Salesforce and licensing software to automate processes, streamline data management, and improve customer relationship management. Taking this integrated approach delivered a solution that could continue to evolve to meet customer and client needs.